The best weddings are the ones where you get to watch two friends — who you know are absolutely perfect for each other in every way — tie the knot for life. When we met Serena and Hunter more than a year ago we actually became fast friends and would chat with them from time to time about well, pretty much everything. As the wedding day grew closer they told us about the full day they had planned; complete with respective morning runs, trips to the salon and shave parlor, gifting of hand written cards for each other, we wanted to be there to capture all of it. And the more we talked to them leading up to August 8, the more apparent it was just how perfect for each other they were.
The two avid runners met in San Diego more than three years ago. While from very different backgrounds and places they quickly realized how much they had in common. They are both incredibly dedicated to their careers and tireless workers. They’re both world travelers. And they’re also two of the most organized people we’ve ever met. How organized? Well for one, when it came time to finding a venue they “narrowed it down” to more than 30 sites, then established a massive spread sheet and point system so they could rank each numerically by score. They spent some two years fine tuning the intricate details of the day, right down to the seating arrangements — each table was assigned an airport code, and guests were sorted by the major airport closest to where they’re from (a tribute to Serena and Hunter each having backgrounds in air travel).
When it came down to it, the day could not have been any more of a storybook wedding. Hunter and Serena got married in the church that Serena once attended while in kindergarten. She and Hunter had their first look in the park that she once played at as a kid (and it was beautiful to say the least). Hunter and Serena celebrated their marriage beneath towering redwoods of Marin County surrounded by friends and family that love Hunter and Serena as much as we do.
We’ll be the first to admit it’s not easy throwing together a Same Day edit, but it’s certainly rewarding. There was so much behind every little detail of Hunter and Serena’s day and so much that happened building up to the ceremony. But when it came down to the “meat and potatoes” of the day, it was all about Hunter and Serena committing to stand by each other for one very big marathon. Capturing that was the fun part, made all the more rewarding by the fact that it was two of our friends up there on the alter.