Over the July 4th weekend, I received a voicemail from a photographer by the name of Jasmine Star asking if I could collaborate on a video with her. As I first heard the voicemail, my hear skipped a beat. You see, Jasmine Star is a very well known photographer. How well known??. . .
She was voted one of the Top 10 Wedding Photographers of 2009 by peers in the industry. Top 10. . . . In the World.
Needless to say, flattered is not a word that does it justice when she contacted me to collaborate with her. and then my heart started beating again.
Jasmine is working with Chase Jarvis (HUGE COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER) and CreativeLive to host a free online seminar as she shoots a real wedding. . . LIVE. It’s a crazy idea and Jasmine is just the photographer to pull it off. What an honor to create a video for such a vibrant personality with an addictive laugh and great sense of humor.
Congrats Jasmine!!! – and here is the video we produced for her:
UPDATE TO THIS POST: The other video that we created for her is now live as well. This video is Calling all couples to apply to be married LIVE in front of a massive photography community and anyone else who is down to watch! Check it out: