This past March, we had the incredible opportunity to document the opening of the Seacrest Studios at CHOC Children’s. Over the past severals years, the Ryan Seacrest Foundation has been building broadcast media centers in pediatric hospitals across the country. These incredible studios give patients within the confines of the hospital the ability to explore and learn all about radio, television, and new media. Local college radio disc jockeys entertain on CHOC’s own in-hospital radio station and patients can come down to the studio to learn the ins and outs of the control room. Children who are too sick to leave their beds can call in to the studio and make special requests for songs. Touches like these make you forget that you are even in a hospital at all. . . perhaps the ultimate goal behind CHOC’s stunning new tower in the first place. Starting in Ryan’s hometown of Atlanta, Seacrest Studios now reside in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Dallas, and now Orange County with the ribbon cutting and unveiling of Seacrest Studios at CHOC.
While the call time required a bright and early wakeup call, this project was worth every minute of sleep lost. When we get the chance to work on films like this one, it puts some of our own problems and daily tribulations into perspective. Another reminder that every day is a gift and our health is always something to be thankful for.