We have a confession. Last year amidst one of the craziest stretches of projects our studio has seen we made an exciting new hire and DIDN’T TELL ANYONE. And you know what? So seamless was his transition into the fold of our little studio that we kind of forgot. Or we didn’t and liked to think of him as our secret weapon. He’s the tool no one knew we had. The mystery ingredient that you don’t know is there. It’s like we had an extra pair of gloves the whole time.
But we couldn’t keep him to ourselves forever.
We’re excited to announce the newest member of Threaded Films, Matt Hanlon. Matt is a spry, 23-year old ball of creative energy who left the Orange County Register last year where he worked as a sports writer to join us in the video world. The Northern California native (we don’t hold that against him) fits in well as he shares our passion for storytelling, good humor and of course ice hockey. Rumors that he was offered a job after a well-placed pass to Steve in a beer league victory last fall are unconfirmed.
World, say hello to Matt. Matt, world. We expect big things from him, and look forward to watching the budding cinematographer blossom into a talented professional over the years. We hope he’ll gradually grow out of his bad pun phase. Don’t tell him we said this, but we’re incredibly excited about the addition of Matt to our team; he’ll help us to continue our growth as a studio and enable us to tackle even more fun projects. We’re incredibly excited about what the future holds for Threaded Films and hope you are too.