What a whirlwind of a September it’s been.
There’s been far too many early morning call times, late night editing sessions and days of reviewing footage for us to add them all up into man-hours the past few weeks so take our word for it. We’ve been all over the place.
TRX happened to be one of those clients that threw up a prayer on a last-minute project they really wanted to do, but needed a lot of help to pull off. They were about to announce a partnership with Under Armour, and wanted a downloadable workout for the occasion.
So TRX asked us, could we track down venue for a cool workout set, then produce, film and edit a 25-minute scripted workout on a one-week turnaround? (Hint: we’re not very good at saying no).
We’re proud of the fact that we pulled this one off with flying colors. Less than a week after going live, the workout trailer already has a combined 80,000 views on Facebook and Youtube. Not bad for a week’s work! Are we allowed to call ourselves Shredded Films now?
Do us a favor and check out the work, and a very cool partnership (also, a free TRX workout filmed by your favorite film team) at the link below. A special thanks to TRX for the project which, late nights aside, was a blast to be a part of and of course to our dear friend Brandon Crouch, who it turns out is not just a stellar beer league defenseman but a lighting guru and dolly operator extroardinaire.
Click here to check out the TRX UNDER ARMOUR WORKOUT.