Wow, what a night. This one was a ton of fun and we’d be lying if we didn’t say that we are smitten with Patrick and Sherri. These two are the bomb, and there’s no other way to put it!
Sherri knows how to create amazing origami, thus she took on the task of making customized origami cranes for all 170 of her guests. When she told us about this, we couldn’t help but insist that we film the process and make it part of the Same Day Edit. We took the opportunity to not only incorporate the Origami into the same day edit, but also weave the storyline with folds and transitions that in our crazy minds. . . . felt like video origami.
There are so many little touches in this one that scream Patrick and Sherri. Some are subtle (the ode to their endless love of video games) and some are blatantly obvious, like their four legged child, Kujo. This little guy stole the show and became one of the more significant threads through the storyline in the edit.
We are so happy for Patrick and Sherri and we truly hope that we did them proud with our interpretation of an Origami Same Day Edit. Here is their edit as seen by 170 of their closest friends and family this evening.
A Special thanks to Kerrie Underhill from Platinum Weddings by Kerrie for making our lives easy as she always does! Also a shout out to our new friend Sarah Chen from Sarah K Chen Photography. Eh Hem. . . . . .You Rock!!! Florals were created by the one and only Enchanted Florist and another big thank you to Peter from Vive Entertainment for his assistance with the audio for the presentation.