>One of the great parts about sharing the big day with our couples is we are constantly introduced to new firsts and fun traditions. With each culture comes different customs, some dating back thousands of years. The Tea Ceremonies, the signing of the Ketubah, or perhaps, henna on the palms. Each culture is different and amazing in its own way, but I think some of the Chinese traditions are without a doubt, the most entertaining to experience.
So the way it works is, Jack is to meet up with Nancy prior to the ceremony. As he approaches the house where Nancy is getting ready, he has to yell at the top of his lungs, “Hello Nancy Yip, I’m here to Marry You”. At this point, her bridesmaids and friends come down and make Jack and his groomsmen answer a series of questions and perform tasks to gain entrance through the front door. Trivia is usually related to the bride and groom’s relationship.
. . . . . well, for every question they get wrong (i.e. guessing which lipstick is Nancy’s by looking at a bunch of lips pressed against a piece of paper, or guessing which artist is singing the song they are hearing) they have to do push-ups.
Let’s just say Jack and the Groomsmen got their workout for the day, as you’ll see in the clip below. Enjoy Nancy + Jack 🙂