Having spent the past two years following and filming Mission/Bauer Hockey as they tour the country and elevate the sport of Roller Hockey, we have been privileged with the task of filming, documenting, and following their product as it becomes introduced to market. In the winter of 2012, we were flown out to St. Jerome, Montreal Canada to film some of the R&D work that goes into the flagship skate lineup for the Mission Inhaler Series. When we arrived at the R&D factory, the first thing we noticed were the closely guarded red doors that were always kept closed. We quickly learned that you needed a special clearance to even enter that part of the building as the hockey industry is fiercely competitive and some of Bauer Hockey’s most closely guarded secrets lie behind those doors. We found it only fitting that they should be the opening shot for this edit.
With our escort at our side, we were given exclusive access to film behind the doors and that’s where the skate build footage you see took place.
The idea and direction behind this specific category launch video was to allow the viewer an opportunity to see what goes into the process behind building the Inhaler series skate and how there is legitimate technology used to develop not only a great looking skate, but a high performance piece of equipment that allows the player to excel the best of their ability.
Being native to California, we found Montreal in January to be a slight change from what we are accustomed to. To make everything more “Authentic”, we visited in the middle of a huge storm front that brought a nice dusting indeed. Don’t worry, a little weather wasn’t going to stop us. With a couple hours of time outside of filming, we made it a point to go take in the sights and sounds that Montreal had to offer, including what else but a Canadien’s Game!

To the hockey world, many would consider this holy ground.
Couldn’t help but capture our best friend (at that particular moment in time) as he De-iced our ride back home.