As we just passed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day just a couple weeks ago, we find a link between one of his more famous quotes and Krissi and Clark’s persona.
“What I’m saying to you this morning, my friends, even if it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, go on out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures; sweep streets like Handel and Beethoven composed music; sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry; (Go ahead) sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will have to pause and say, “Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.”
We are not alluding to Krissi and Clark’s ultimate prosperous future in street sweeping…..though you never know where life will take you, right? All kidding aside, what is being said in this quote is to dedicate your mind and heart to being the absolute best at whatever it is that you do and this is the encapsulation of Krissi and Clark. The very first thing that struck us about Clark was his three piece suit….at all times. Our first meeting at the studio, our dinner just weeks before the wedding….three piece suit…always coming from work. This man is passionate about what he does, almost to a fault. But, you can see that his intensity is paying dividends and he won’t stop until he is the king of his niche, and we love that about him. In many ways, we empathize with him….not that we rock suits to our gigs, but success requires sacrifice and Clark inspires us to push the limits of our filmmaking further just by seeing how passionate he is about “killing it” as he will tell you “at what you do”. Krissi is equally as passionate about Clark, their relationship, and the family bond that ties everyone together. Her support of his dream while laying the foundation for their marriage will solidify them as one powerhouse moving forward. You can see how passionate Krissi is about Clark and their future together. This is not to say there is any lack of love going the other direction….oh no…we grabbed Clark rehearsing his handwritten vows and holy teary eyes….well…come see for yourself.
A HUGE shout out to our pals Katie and Meghan from Intertwined as they put together one heck of a shindig just days after the New Year rang in. We love the two of you and your ever-talented team of event planners! Also, big love to Jasmine Star for putting up with our relentless flow of poor humor throughout the day 🙂 Always fun to work with familiar faces who, like Krissi and Clark, are intent to be the kings of their niche.