Kelli and Connor — these two can throw a party. We aren’t surprised, really. Some of you may remember (well at least we do) that this isn’t the first Hall wedding we’ve been a part of. Connor’s brother Brett served as his best man— and we had the pleasure of filming the wedding of Brett and his now-wife Ashley three years ago (Throwback #1, check out the trailer here). Ashley is also one of Kelli’s bridesmaids, and makes a cameo in this newest film. And, where it all began, four years ago we had the pleasure of filming Connor’s sister Lauren on her special day with Dorian (check out Throwback trailer #2 here). So obviously we were pretty pumped when Kelli and Connor reached out to let us know they were getting married, and wanted us to be a part of it.
We don’t want to make this out to be a Just-Another-Hall-Gets-Married type of day. Cliché aside, Kelli and Connor really ARE the light in pretty much any room they walk into. That much is clear from the quality (and sheer quantity, they’re very popular, as it seems) of the friends they have. Out of the hours of footage of dancing, laughing, singing, and oh so much more laughing — it was tough to pick a few moments that stood out the most. In the end, it’s the moments you’re about to see that point to why Kelli and Connor are incredible together; both of them really were just giddy that they were getting married to each other. We’d expect nothing less from the Hall family.
A special thanks to Bash Please — we always love working alongside the talented girls who make the day run so smoothly and elegantly, Paige and Keith from Paige Jones photography who are out of this world talented (and a blast to work alongside) and of course all the folks who made the day such a success including the rocking crew of Rembrandt & That Vibe, Susiecakes, Mirror Mirror, Laguna Beach Presbyterian Church and the Newport Beach Country Club.