About a month ago, we made the decision to add a wonderful addition to the office space by bringing in two amazing photographer friends by the names of Gabriel Ryan and Carlie Renee. It’s always great to bounce ideas off other professionals in the industry, get feedback from a different perspective (photo vs. cinema), and have a great time working with others on a daily basis. What better way then to move them in???
We knew going into this that inevitably we would work on various future projects together down the road, but we never thought we would have such a great opportunity just a few weeks in!
So, two weeks ago was our first collaboration. . . . .
The chic ladies from Utterly Engaged (also the creators of a wonderful little gem of a find in Tustin called The Wedding Pantry) asked us to create a tutorial on how to tie a bowtie, which they wanted to feature in Issue 011 of their wonderful, unique, and first of its kind Wedding E-Magazine. Instantly we knew two things: 1.) It had to be funny and 2.) Bailey (the boxer) had to be in the tutorial. So after an hour of filming, 45 minutes of editing, and 9 bags of dog treats later, we came up with this, and we are pretty happy with the result, if we don’t say so ourselves. Maybe we are jaded because of the cute little dog in the bowtie. . . . . you be the judge.