>The daily grind. . . life grabs you constantly on a daily basis and pulls you in every direction. Whether it is getting up for work, or fighting traffic to be somewhere, or simply dealing with the cards you are dealt. . . sometimes we forget to stop, pause, and take a deep breath.
We stumbled upon this song awhile ago and I find it’s message to be applicable in so many areas of our lives, and the wedding day is another perfect example.
To say Heather and Richard’s wedding was epic simply wouldn’t do it justice. From the jeweled centerpieces, to the cigar roller, to the ultra lounge after-hours party, this wedding was seeping with details. Then to top it off, they chose to get married at the one and only Rancho Las Lomas, a venue that hosts acreage as far as the eye can see covered with photo ops and animals (they even have bangled tigers). Our minds go into overdrive at this venue because there simply isn’t a bad spot to shoot. Anywhere.
While planning this wedding was most certainly not an easy task, it becomes ironic that once the day arrives, there is no planning left to be had. All Heather + Richard had left to do, was stop, pause, and take a deep breath.
It is on that thought that we proudly present to you
A very HUGE shout out to Lane, Amy, and Rani Lu of Amy Squires and Co for their hard work that day as well as always being so much fun to work with. Truly great photographers. Another shout out to Kerrie Underhill of Platinum Weddings by Kerrie. This wedding was amazing and there is no way it could have gone off the way it did without her there!