Those who follow our work know that it runs the gamut from mom and pop stores to multinational companies. We love that about our studio and will be the first to tell you that having that latitude in our work is pretty cool.
But even cooler is when our work gets out there where lots of people can see it. A few months ago, VIZIO (now America’s #1 smart TV Company and #1 Sound Bar Brand) hired us to film footage for their homepage. It’s been an honor to work with such an innovative company in the past and we always get excited for the big shoots they bring us on for (and not just because of the catering, which we promise did not disappoint). This was no exception and we couldn’t be more pleased with the footage we got — we think it captures perfectly the “Beautifully Simple” design that Vizio executes so well.
We were lucky enough to work alongside a fantastic photographer in Chris Ozer (we highly suggest you check out some of his work, it’s pretty incredible), beautiful models and a great crew over the span of a couple days in various houses in the the Los Angeles area for the shoots. Thanks to all that lent a hand during a busy couple of days.
Check out the footage for yourself in its natural habitat: www.vizio.com.