Happy 2016 Earth Day, friends.
Considering that most (okay, all) of the work we do is on this very same earth, we thought it apropos to take this day to announce a little project we’re tackling at the studio this spring. Over the next couple months, we’re going to be sharing periodic mini features of our favorite places — cities, counties, towns and street corners; places we’ve traveled to, places we love to go back to, or even a few places right in our own backyard. Think of it as a little spring-cleaning-meets-scrapbook project. We’ll be posting videos, photos and footage here and there as we dig through some of the best stuff that we shot long ago and frankly, forgot we’d filed away.
Like a place that we feature? We’d love it if you shared our videos and continue to support us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. In return, we’ll pay you in eternal high fives and good vibes (we promise).