Dave and Lindsay have about as crazy of a “How did you guys meet” story as anyone out there. As fate would have it, their meeting took place halfway around the world in the middle of the Mediterranean aboard a cruise ship. As a connection was instant and simple, the battle of continuing the relationship once they headed home was not the same.Home was a very different place for both of them. Still separated by thousands of miles and a three hour time change, these two knew they were investing into something more than just a cruise ship fling. Little did they know that just three short years later, they would be sharing an evening filled with the most important people in both of their lives as they became husband and wife.
This one holds a special place in “the Fray” in that Dave is part of the Threaded Films team. We affectionately refer to him as “the mule” in that he is often the guy behind the scenes on our shoots not only lugging around all of our tools, but making sure the audio on our shoots is perfect. There is only one “mule”. We love you Dave. As we found out when filming our bio film, which you can see on the website labeled as “Our Philosophy“, turning the camera on ourselves is often the most difficult of tasks. However, to see Dave and Lindsay’s story unfold and to share a taste of their day with everyone who is reading this is the ultimate reward. Dave and Lindsay, we hope you enjoy the edit as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Thanks to Gabe for helping out with this shoot as it was definitely all hands on deck and a very sincere thank you goes out to Ben for not only his dedication to filming this day in the way it deserved to be filmed, but also his relentless effort in making sure that this edit stayed true to the story that is Dave and Lindsay.
Also, a special thank you to the radical bodaciously amazing and eternally awesome Lane Dittoe from Lane Dittoe Photography. Photographer. Super-hero. Legend. We love you Lanerd.