There are some places in Southern California so incredibly breathtaking, you forget where you are for a second. Malibu Rocky Oaks is one of those places.
And it was there, perched on the top of a Malibu mountain, that Jennifer and Elliott said their vows to one another, choking back tears (there was much debate about who would cry first — spoiler: it was Elliott). As you’d expect from a doctor and meticulous planner, Jennifer had the details of the day orchestrated months in advance — hours upon hours of preparation — and it all culminated in that single instant. You can understand the emotion behind those vows — it was a pretty special moment to be a part of.
There were so many awe-inspiring aspects to this day, mountaintop vista aside, between the vineyard photo sessions, live doves, monogramed ice sculptures, fields upon fields of floral decorations, incredible music, a perfect sunset, dare we go on? Really, 90 seconds isn’t long enough to share everything from that day. But here are some of our absolute favorites.
A huge shoutout to Sterling Engagements Inc. for making our lives incredibly easy while at the same time accomplishing the daunting task of turning a castle on a mountain into the perfect host for a day’s worth of wedding festivities. Couldn’t have asked for better photographers than Callaway Gable , seriously some of the best at what they do. And of course we’d be remiss if we didn’t thank our friends at Make-Up Therapy, The Food Matters, Luxe Linen, Fantasy Frostings, Classic Party Rentals, A Rental Connection, Lounge Appeal, Super Cool Creamery, Matthew Evilsizor and Conscious Bean, Amber Event Production, White Dove Release, Shawna Yamamoto Event Design’s amazing floral collection and of course, Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyards for making a memorable day into an unforgettable one.