Carmela and Chris are now married. However, this wedding, as Chris will tell you, was more of the formality to make official what was “already goin’ down”. With Same Day Edits, we try to hone in on what is most important to our couples and follow those story lines through their edit so that their guests have the ability to see the wedding day unfold through the angles and threads that are most relevant to the bride and groom. By far, the favorite part of the shoot is always right after the cake cutting when everyone has the opportunity to see the wedding day in a way they didn’t know was possible as we press play on the projector and run and hide in the back of the reception. We’d be lying if we didn’t say we like to peek around the room and see people crying, then laughing, then crying again. . . . . and then laughing.
We caught up with Carmela and Chris before the wedding to chat and get to know one another. As the conversation grew and the details unfolded, we came to the point where we asked them what the most important part of their wedding day was. . . . . the answer was simple and unanimous. . . . Elina.
And with that, here is their Same Day Edit as seen by 150 of their closest family and friends last night.
One more note: Same Day Edits are not possible without the help and support of incredible DJs and bands that are willing to amplify the audio for the guests to hear. Last night was no exception and a huge thank you is due to Tim Altbaum from TAProductions for his help. Filmed on location at the one and only L’Auberge Del Mar.