Alyssa and Tanner are one of those couples you can’t not love hanging out with. The type of people that pull you in with such warmth and charisma, you feel like you’ve known them forever even if you’ve only just met them. We love that Tanner is the perfect gentleman, the romantic who hikes with a bottle of champagne in his backpack to pull out and surprise Alyssa, the slightly neurotic (we mean that in the best way, Tanner) cleaner, and meticulous planner who — Alyssa admitted — shouldered a lot of wedding planning because apparently he wears the organizing pants in the relationship (and of course, we see nothing wrong with that). And Alyssa is every bit the perfect, gorgeous counterpart: her father’s daughter, athletic and straightforward, doting, charming and frequently laughing (Tanner may also have something to do with this). A pretty all around amazing couple to spend time with, we think.
We had a blast getting to know Alyssa and Tanner; and we find ourselves saying this frequently — Tanner and Alyssa being no exception – we really do enjoy being friends with the couples we work with. This is definitely one of those films we find ourselves laughing as we edit in the studio, reliving the day. Plus, these two know how to write loving, touching and hilarious vows, don’t they?
Much gratitude to Holly Orr and the entire Paper Heart Events‘ team for a stunning evening as well as our skilled friends at Walter Wilson Photography, you guys were a treat to work with. And of course there are so many others to recognize: Bel-Air Bay Club (a gorgeous venue we recommend everyone check out) and its hard-working staff , the talented Mirror Mirror Beauty, ever-delicious Sweet Art Bake Shop for the tasty treats, the articulate prose of officiant Jeff Bruecker, and DJ Angel Hernandez, who rocked the house — a huge thanks to you guys and anybody else who helped make the evening a success, and our lives much easier.
With that, we hope you enjoyed our last trailer for 2016, it’s been another great year at Threaded. Thanks to all who were a part of it. Until next year!