According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Drunk Driving fatalities accounted for 32% of all traffic deaths in 2009. And when you factor in those who were injured, but survived, the statistic becomes staggering. . . . to the point that nearly every 15 minutes, someone is injured or killed by a drunk driver in the United States. The issue is serious, thus when we were approached to help send a message to Juniors and Seniors from SMCHS prior to their prom night, we simply needed to know where to be and when to start filming.
The National “Every 15 Minutes” Organization provides schools with the opportunity to show their students the results of drunk driving without the real-life risks. To do so, they stage a car accident on school grounds that completely simulates real-life situations where teenagers have ended up in fatal accidents while under the influence of alcohol. Students from the high school volunteer to participate in the presentation and to say that the event is chilling and eerily realistic is an understatement. It was our responsibility to film the event and deliver the edit for the assembly presentation in the gym the following morning. Having the ability to apply our craft to such an important and powerful message is one of the many reasons why we do what we do. If this edit kept one kid from drinking and driving on the night of their prom, the entire program is well worth it. The sequence below depicts the prom party and then the accident that ensues.
A WORD OF CAUTION TO ANYONE WHO IS THINKING ABOUT WATCHING THIS EDIT. It is very realistic and if you are sensitive to the subject matter at hand, please use your better judgment before pressing play. None of the footage in this edit is real, but the topic it covers is very real and the footage could be disturbing. Viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED.